
1. That which cannot be corrected
a. Unintelligible b. Indelible c. Illegible d. Incorrigible

2. A list of the subjects to be discussed at a meeting
a. Schedule b. Timetable c. Agenda d. Plan

3. Someone who pretends to be someone else in order to trick people:
a. Magician b. Rogue c. impostor d. Cynic

4. One who has no faith in human sincerity and goodness
a. Egoist b. Fatalist c. Atheist d. Cynic

5. A short piece of writing on the stone over someone’s grave
a. Epitome b. Epistle c. Epilogue d. Epitaph

6. A person interested in collecting, studying and selling of old things
a. Antiquarian b. Junk-dealer c. Crank d. Archeologist

7. One who is careful that every detail of something is correct./ One who is not easily pleased.
a. Maiden b. Medieval c. Precarious d. Fastidious

8. A remedy for all diseases/ Something that will solve all the problems of a particular situation
a. Alchemist b. Marvel c. Panacea d. Recompose

9. The scientific study and comparison of different races of people
a. Phonology b. Archaeology c. Genetics d. Ethnology

10. A small group of people who run a country or organization
a. Monarchy b. Oligarchy c. Plutocracy d. Autocracy






1. That which cannot be corrected

2. A list of the subjects to be discussed at a meeting

3. Someone who pretends to be someone else in order to trick people:

4. One who has no faith in human sincerity and goodness

5. A short piece of writing on the stone over someone’s grave

6. A person interested in collecting, studying and selling of old things

7. One who is careful that every detail of something is correct./ One who is not easily pleased.

8. A remedy for all diseases/ Something that will solve all the problems of a particular situation

9. The scientific study and comparison of different races of people

10. A small group of people who run a country or organization