Interesting Anagrams

Interesting Anagrams

Here is a list of word pairs, called ANAGRAMS. The interesting part is they are formed by the same set of alphabets, but convey a mutually contradictory or sometimes complementary meanings. Here are a dozen of them!

1. Teach , Cheat
Some people teach, some cheat and the remaining teach to cheat!

2. Listen, Silent
Be silent and listen!.

3. Admirer, Married
Status before and after marriage!

4.Fast, Fats
Either fast or add fats, as you feast!

5. Marital, Martial
A misplaced ‘I’ turns marital relationship s nto martial ones!

6. Creative, Reactive
You can never be creative, if you are reactive!

7. Sweat, Waste
If you don’t sweat in your youth, you could waste your entire life, so sweat or waste!

8. Bedroom, Boredom
Always keep boredom out of your bedroom because that’s the place you’ve spent half of your life & mostly in your own company!

9. Vote, Veto
One veto and a million votes undone!

10. Exist, Exits
We exist between our entries & exits!

11. Stain, Saint
Hard to find a saint without a stain!

12. Split, Spilt
Dont cry over split milk. Make paneer. Don’t cry over spilt milk either. Feed the cat!


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