How to Introduce Yourself – తప్పుల్లేకుండా, తడబడకుండా!

Master the Art of Self Introduction

ఈ పోటి ప్రపంచంలో మనల్ని మనం market చేసుకుంటూనే ఉండాలి, పర్సనల్ లైఫ్ లో అయినా, ప్రొఫెషనల్ లైఫ్ లో అయినా మనల్ని మనం చక్కగా, ప్రభావితం చేసేట్లుగా  పరిచయం చేసుకోవడం తప్పనిసరి. “Self Introduction is one of the very important marketing tools.”

చాలా బాధ కలిగించే విషయం ఏంటంటే; ఇంజినీరింగ్ లు, ఎంబీఏలు, ఎమ్మెస్సీలు  చేసిన చాలా మంది తప్పులు లేకుండా, అంటే ‘BASIC’ grammar mistakes లేకుండా ఇంగ్లిష్ లో తమల్ని తాము introduce చేసుకోలేకపోతున్నారు. సహజంగానే, ఇది వాళ్ళ ఉద్యోగ అవకాశాలను దెబ్బతీస్తుంది.

– “Myself  XXXX.”

– “I was completed my engineering last year.”

– “My hobbies is  XXXX…..”

ఇలాంటి బేసిక్ మిస్టేక్స్ చేస్తూ సెల్ఫ్ ఇంట్రడక్షన్ చేసుకుంటే, ఎవరైనా ఎలా ఉద్యోగం ఇస్తారు చెప్పండి. అదీ 10 – 12 సంవత్సరాలు ఇంగ్లిష్ మీడియం లో చదివిన విద్యార్థులు…….  వాళ్ళ ఇంగ్లిష్  గ్రామర్ అలా ఉండడం చాలా దురదృష్టకరం.

కొంచెం observation, కొంచెం preparation తో ఈ సమస్య ను solve చేసెయ్యొచ్చు.

  1. కిందున్న కొన్ని ఎక్స్ప్రెషన్స్ ని బాగా చదవండి.
  2. అందులో మీకు సరిపోయే, మీ introduction కి ఉపయోగపడే, వాక్యాల్ని తీసుకొని చిన్న చిన్న మార్పులతో మీ సెల్ఫ్ ఇంట్రడక్షన్ ను రాసుకోండి.
  3. మీ ఓపిక ను బట్టి, రెండు మూడు versions of introduction ప్రిపేర్ చేసుకోండి ( ఒకటి సంక్షిప్తంగా, ఇంకొకటి కొంచెం డిటైల్డ్ గా, మరొకటి చాలా డిటైల్డ్ గా. అవసరాన్ని బట్టి ఏదో ఒక version వాడొచ్చు.)
  4. మీరు రాసింది వీలైతే, ఎవరితోనైనా కరెక్ట్ చేయించుకోండి.
  5. స్క్రిప్ట్ రెడీ అయిన తరువాత , దాన్ని ప్రాక్టిస్  చెయ్యండి. మీరు బాగా ప్రిపేరయ్యి  వచ్చారు అన్న విషయం మిమ్మల్ని interview చేసేవాళ్ళకి తెలియకుండా…. అంటే చాలా నేచురల్ గా మీరు self introduce చేసుకోవాలి.
  6. మన మొదటి లక్ష్యం-  సింపుల్ గా,  కరెక్ట్ గా అంటే,  ఎలాంటి  గ్రామర్ మిస్టేక్స్ లేకుండా, కాన్ఫిడెంట్ గా, క్లారిటీ తో introduce చేసుకోవడం
  7. దాని తరువాతి లక్ష్యం, మన స్క్రిప్ట్ కి ఇంకొంచెం ఇన్ఫర్మేషన్ (more on what motivates us, our skills, our strengths, our aim) add చేసి, రెగులర్ గా ప్రాక్టిస్ చేస్తూ …..effective గా introduce చేసుకోవడం.

ఇంత అవసరమా అనుకుంటున్నారా? ఇంటర్వ్యూలలో “Introduce yourself? ” అన్న మొదటి ప్రశ్నకే సరిగా జవాబివ్వక, మంచి మంచి అవకాశాలు కోల్పోతున్న వందల, వేల ( లక్షల?) మంది లో మనం ఉండకూడదనుకుంటే ఈ మాత్రం preparation అవసరమే.

Useful Expressions for Self Introduction

Using the following phrases, sentence starters, write two or three versions of your

  • A detailed version (include everything; your birthplace, Family, hobbies )
  • A professional version ( only important information)
  • A very brief version. ( 2 or 3 sentences about you)

Once the script is ready, please don’t forget to practise it until you are confident.
Remember………. you never get a second chance to make a first impression.


  • I am XXXX.
  • My name is XXXX.
  • Imp: Please do NOT say “Myself XXXX”……It is NOT correct)


  • I am from XXXX.
  • I am a native of XXXX.
  • I hail from XXXX.
  • I come from XXXX
  • I am from XXXX. Currently, I am staying in ABCD
  • I was born and brought up in XXXX.
  • I was born in XXX and brought up in XYZ


  • At present, I am studying XXXX in ABCD college/university.
  • At present, I am studying B.Tech in XXXX University.
  • I am pursuing mechanical engineering at XYZ college/ABC university
  • I am pursuing Post Graduation from XXXX university
  • I am an engineering graduate from XXXX university.
  • I have completed graduation …….
  • I have just finished my post graduation in Computer Science from XXXX university.
  • I completed  B.Tech in 2017 from XXXX university.
  • I have done an internship with XXXX (Company name).
  • I hold a bachelor’s degree in commerce
  • I hold a master’s degree in computer science.


  • I am 21 years old
  • I am 21…..


  • I am from an agricultural family.
  • I hail from an agricultural family.
  • I belong to an agricultural family.


  • My father’s name is …….
  • My mother’s name is ………..
  • My father is a businessman/a farmer/a government employee/ a private employee/ a labourer/ a retired government employee
  • My mother is a businesswoman/ a farmer/ a housewife/ a homemaker/ a domestic engineer/ an entrepreneur


  • Ours is a nuclear family.
  • Ours is a joint family.
  • My family consists of four members: my father, mother, an elder sister and me.
  • There are four members in my family: my father, mother, a younger brother and me.


  • I have two siblings…..a sister and a brother. Both are elder to me.
  • I have an elder brother and a younger sister
  • I have two elder sisters.
  • I am the youngest in my family.
  • I have two brothers and I am the eldest.
  • I have two brothers and I am the youngest.
  • I have an elder sister and a younger brother.
  • My elder sister is married.
  • My younger brother is pursuing engineering.
  • I have two younger sisters. The elder of the two is in intermediate and the other is in 10th 

Your Hobbies?

  • My hobbies are playing cricket and watching TV.
  • My hobbies are listening to music and reading books.
  • My hobby is watching TV.
  • Watching TED videos is my favourite hobby.
  • Playing chess is my favourite hobby.
  • My hobbies are listening to music, reading books and watching movies.
  • I am interested in watching movies and collecting stamps.
  • I am interested in making friends and surfing the internet.
  • I love gardening.
  • I love playing with my pet dog.
  • I love spending time with my friends.
  • I like playing games on mobile….
  • In my free time, I help my father in his business.
  • In my free time, I love watching TV.
  • Playing chess is my favourite pastime.
  • Cooking is my favourite pastime.

Your Strengths……..

  • My strengths are sincerity and hardworking nature.
  • I am sincere and hardworking.
  • My strength is self-confidence.
  • Strong communication skills are my greatest strength.
  • Knowledge in computers is my strength.
  • I have a positive attitude towards life.
  • I am good at marketing.
  • I have a good command over computer networking.
  • I have good analytical skills.
  • I am a team player.
  • I am proud of my communication skills.
  • I’m good at multitasking/working under pressure/working to a deadline.
  • I’m skilled at multitasking/working under pressure/working to a deadline.
  • My strengths are my ability to think analytically.
  • I am enthusiastic and speak fluent English.
  • I am…….
  • I have…..
  • I can……
  • I have the necessary skill sets/qualifications/experience in.…..
  • I am well versed in …….
  • ……………….is my forte.
  • I’m quite skilled at……..
  • Recently, I have gained/achieved/learnt……………..
  • Recently, I have delivered/undertaken……….
  • Recently…….I have acquired/become……….

What Motivates you?

  • Learning new things has always been a great motivator for me.
  • I’m very results-driven.
  •  It really excites me to be part of a team with a lot of bright people who have
    interesting ideas.
  • Doing a good job and achieving the desired end result is my primary motivation.
  • I like to take on a challenge; I like to rise to that challenge as part of a team effort.
  • I am motivated by meeting set targets within deadlines and also motivated by visible results.
  • I have always been motivated by the desire to meet a deadline. Setting and reaching deadlines gives me such a sense of accomplishment.
  • Doing meaningful work and recognition are the most important motivators for me.
  • My aim is to get a government job.
  • My aim is to become a government teacher.
  • My aim is to be a successful businesswoman.
  • I want to become a software engineer
  • I would like to be an IAS officer.
  • I want to become a software engineer
  • My aim is to be a successful programmer/ software engineer/cricket player….
  • In future, I would ………
  • 5 years from now, I see myself as ……..



  1. at the same time give the telugu meaning for all the above sentences …. then your effort will attract every learner… Take it as a suggestion… Sir..

  2. I have been working with xyz company since three years.

    Is it right sir..

    – H@r!

    No, the sentence is incorrect.
    I have been working in XYZ company for three years
    I have been working in XYZ company since 2014.
    Since = point of time ( the time when the action began)
    For = period of time ( the time between now and starting point)

    Narendra Modi has been ruling India since 2014
    Narendra Modi has been ruing India for ( almost) three years.

    1. Author

      No, the sentence is incorrect.
      I have been working in XYZ company for three years
      I have been working in XYZ company since 2014.
      Since = point of time ( the time when the action began)
      For = period of time ( the time between now and starting point)

      Narendra Modi has been ruling India since 2014
      Narendra Modi has been ruing India for ( almost) three years.

      1. I am working in xyz company from last two years
        Is it right sir?

        1. Author

          No, The correct sentence is
          I have been for in XYZ company for the last two years.]

          Thanks for writing to us. Keep visiting English Badi

  3. Author

    Thank you sir, appreciate your encouraging words. Please visit EB regularly.

  4. Meeru oka mobile app unte upload cheyande happy ga untunde

    1. Author

      Thanks for your suggestion. Really appreciate it. We are planning an app but it might take some time.

  5. Resume ala prepare chesukovalo chepandi sir

    1. Author

      Sure, Information on ‘how to prepare resume’ will be uploaded soon. Thank you. Please visit EB regularly.

  6. Hi Sir,
    I am really love this site it is very use to every once .., Thank you sir.., making a easy way to learn English without mistake …

  7. HI…Englishbadi…Nice Website..మీరు వ్రాస్తున్న ఆర్టికల్స్ చాల బాగున్నాయి ..నీను తరవుగా అన్ని చూసాను…నీను నా బ్లాగ్ లో జాబ్ ఆర్టికల్స్ రాసేప్పుడు కొన్ని ఇబందులు పడుతున్నాను గ్రామర్ పరంగా,..కాని నీను కొన్ని టూల్స్ వాడటం వాళ్ళ ప్రాబ్లామ్స్ అంతగా రాకుండా చూసుకుంటున్నాను….any way I would like to thanks for the efforts you have put in writing this blog. I am hoping the same high-grade blog post from you in the upcoming as well. In fact your creative writing abilities has inspired many students and who are struggling to learn English..Thank You..My Blog… Latest Govt Jobs In India

  8. I am from &my native place what is the difference between two sentences?

  9. Really nice…

    1. Author

      Thanks for your message. Please visit englishbadi regularly.

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