English Through Short Stories – Story # 4


One day, a demon saw a farmer working in the fields. It was about to kill him. The farmer requested the demon not to kill him and in turn promised to give the demon half of the crop that grows in the field every year. The demon agreed to this proposal.  First year, the farmer suggested that the demon could take everything that grows above the ground. The demon happily agreed. Next year when the demon came for its share, it got only stems and leaves as the farmer had grown potatoes that year. Now the demon was angry and said that the next time it would take all that grows under the ground. The farmer agreed. The following year the demon got only roots as the farmer had grown corn. The demon felt ashamed as it was outwitted by the farmer and left the place.

1 Comment

  1. GOOD STORY….But plz increase the story little bit.

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