JAM Topics

All college students should wear a uniform.

Attendance should be made compulsory in engineering/degree colleges.

Is technology killing our creativity?

What is the one thing that you want to ban from India?

Importance of spiritual education?

Think global, act local.

We should ban exams- Exams give little indication of a student’s real ability.

Junk food should not be sold in the shops nearby any schools/colleges.

Single sex schools are better than co-ed schools.

Co-ed schools are better than single sex schools.

Parents should be held legally responsible for the things their children do.

Are we becoming slaves to technology?

We are over-burdening our children

Eating together as a family is important.

We should value our old people rather than casting them aside.

Why _______ is the best movie I have ever seen!

Why everyone should visit _____________. (talk about some place you love)

Games like Candy Crush/Pokeman are making us stupid.

Love is more powerful than hate.

Money can’t buy happiness.

Children’s cinema in India.
Books are good companions. Do you agree?
A miracle which can make studies fun.
My dream vacation.
“A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.” Comment.
The best days in my life.
A friend’s eye is a good mirror – Comment
Is too much emphasis placed on grades in our educational system? Explain.
Our hobby can become our profession – Comment.
My ideal work place.
The child in you.
The qualities of a good leader.
Are we becoming slaves to technology?
My favorite season.
Has radio continued to be popular in the age of TV?
The essential qualities of a good parent.
The joys of having a pet.
How important is competition in academics?
Your favorite television program.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Comment
Speak local, think global .Comment.
Can social obligations become hindrance to career prospects?
I like India because……………
Are we responsible for global warming?
Materialism and spiritualism; can they go hand in hand?
Are news channels replacing newspapers?
Is our creativity taking a back seat in today’s fast paced world?
Are we secular?
Are long distance relationships becoming a norm?
My favorite place is ——-
Mercy killing. Is it viable?
One cold winter night………….
Education is a personal matter. It has very little to do with school and college education. Comment.
Should parliamentarians comment on cricketers?
A fool and his money are soon parted.
What should be India’s strategy to win the world cup?
2. Men are victims of patriarchy.
3. If I win Rs. two crore in KBC, I will ……………………..
4. My role model.
5. Indian movies and Oscar awards.
Compromise, thy name is life. Do you agree with it?
Stereotyped images are hard to break.
Media’s responsibility in covering sensitive issues.
Passion for Indian cricket is an old story.
The pros and cons of chat rooms
Work hard and party harder. Do you believe in this philosophy?
Are we giving more importance to money than our relations?
The one thing I would like to change in my life is—–
Happiness is……….
A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Do you agree?
Many people face obstacles that restrict and complicate their lives. For example, a person may not have a car, yet need to drive in order to keep a job. Choose a problem, and write an essay that presents a practical solution to the problem.
Apologies can often be difficult to make. Select a memorable experience of regret and describe how you made your apology.
If I were given a chance to change an event in my life…
Are we becoming more socially aware?
Comment on the Indian brand of secularism.
How real is gender equality?
Think global, act local. Comment.
Comment of the move to give human rights to chimpanzees.
Death penalty should be abolished. Do you agree?
My favorite site on the Net.
All’s well that ends well. Substantiate this proverb with your experience.
What do you think is the impact of Gandhigiri on modern youth?
Has the Indian society changed?
Shahrukh Khan is more influential than our Prime Minister. Comment.
India has moved from an agricultural economy to a services economy.
Slow and steady does not win the race. Comment.
One hot summer afternoon……
Should Saddam be hanged?
I dream………………….
Divorce is on the rise in India. Comment.
A stitch in time saves nine.
E-libraries vs conventional libraries
Mercy killing. Is it viable?
One cold winter night………….
Education is a personal matter. It has very little to do with school and college education. Comment.
Should parliamentarians comment on cricketers?
A fool and his money are soon parted.