ప్రేమికుల దినోత్సవం అయిపొయింది కదా, మళ్లీ ఈ ప్రేమ లొల్లి ఏంటి అనుకుంటున్నారా? మేం మాట్లాడుతుంది ఇంగ్లిష్ గ్రామర్ గురించి. కారణాలేమైనా కావచ్చు, మనలో చాలా మందికి గ్రామర్ అంటే అసహ్యం, కోపం, చిరాకు, ద్వేషం, అయిష్టం, ఇంకా చాలా చాలా. నిజానికి, ఒక భాష నేర్చుకోవాలంటే, దాని గ్రామర్ ( వ్యాకరణం) పూర్తిగా అవపోసన పట్టాల్సిన అవసరం ఏమీ లేదు. మనకు తెలుగు బాగానే వస్తుందిContinue Reading

– Cellfish అన్న పదం ఉందా? – Humongous అన్న పదాన్ని ఎలా పలకాలి? – ITS కి IT’S కి తేడా ఏంటి? – ‘Man Friday’ అంటే ఎవరు? ఇలాంటి ఆసక్తికరమైన, అవసరమైన ప్రశ్నలకి సమాధానం కావాలంటే ‘హిందు’ పేపర్లో ప్రతి సోమవారం “Education Plus” సప్లిమెంట్ లో వచ్చే “KNOW YOUR ENGLISH (by Upendran S)” చదవండి. This is one of theContinue Reading

A man was asked to paint a boat. He brought with him paint and brushes and began to paint the boat a bright red, as the owner asked him. While painting, he noticed that there was a small hole in the hull, and quietly repaired it. When finished painting, heContinue Reading

Randy Pausch 47 yrs old, A computer Sc. lecturer from Mellon University died of pancreatic cancer in 2008. He wrote a book ‘The last lecture” before then, one of the bestsellers in 2007. What a legacy to leave behind. In a letter to his wife Jai and his children, Dylan,Continue Reading

A great post, worthy of reading again & again…and saving it up for reading on a daily basis…   🌞50 most positive one liners… 1. Have a firm handshake. 2. Look people in the eye. 3. Sing in the shower. 4. Own a great stereo system. 5. If in aContinue Reading

Interesting Anagrams Here is a list of word pairs, called ANAGRAMS. The interesting part is they are formed by the same set of alphabets, but convey a mutually contradictory or sometimes complementary meanings. Here are a dozen of them! 1. Teach , Cheat Some people teach, some cheat and theContinue Reading

Don’t judge people. Everyone has a story.  A father and his 20 year old son were travelling in a train. The boy seeing out from the train’s window shouted, “Dad, look, the trees are going behind!” The father looked at his son and smiled. The passengers sitting nearby, looked atContinue Reading