English Through Short Stories – Story # 5

One day, the lion, the king of the forest, hosted a party in his den. He invited all the animals in his kingdom. The bear was the first animal to come. As soon as the bear entered the den, he held his nose tight unable to bear the foul smell of the den. The lion felt offended and knocked him unconscious. Then came the monkey. He then asked the monkey how his den smelt. The monkey was scared of the lion’s anger and immediately replied, “Your Majesty, your den smells wonderful like a bouquet of flowers.” The lion could understand the flattery and knocked it down too. Now it was the fox’s turn to respond to the lion. It quickly forced a sneeze and said, “Your Highness, I am suffering from a bad cold. I can’t smell a thing. How can I say how your den smells?” With this diplomatic and clever answer, the fox escaped the wrath of the lion.